personal projects and collaborations (selection).ìf - Ice Cubes

The two cubes where emmiting generative sounds when moved.
They where speaking with a computer via a wireless and triggered the video rendering.
For more info, contact the artist : Barthélemy Antoine-Loeff
La yourte de Melquiades
La yourte is an itinerent tent that projects documentaries over 270°.
The projection system is autonomous and uses 3 short throw beamers.
At the end of the video, the public could connect their phone to a web page and here some amazonian sounds from their phones.
For more infos, you can connect with Marcho.

La folie des glandeurs
Here is a little report of what happened :
The whole system was designed in collaboration with Labrat. It claims to be modular and adaptative to others installations.
the first Launch happened on 31 october 2013 @Le marché gare,Lyon, France

Electrobotik 2013

Each costume is individually programable to perform chase with the leds and electroluminescent wire. The performer control is costume by a remote placed on his harm.
The next step of the project is a wireless remote implementation in order to control all the costumes from an unique controller.
Official site :

El Nafas

The first of the piece was played on the 14 april in the national theater of Algeria. The video material was created in collaboration with the composer and the vidéo creators of MIR 941 based in Lyon,FR.
More informations on the composer and the music.